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Patchouli Pure Essential Oil (9353)


Product Description

The volatile oil obatined by steam distillation of the dried fermented leaves. Musky, sweet, persistent fragrance. Used in perfumery, where it can act as a natural fixative. Good for Anti-cellulite. A good insecticide. Can be applied to insect bites. Can be used to help combat dandruff (add a few drops to hair conditioner). A useful skin tonic and astringent when diluted. A useful deodorant. When applied to scaly skin in a suitable carrier oil it can help the regeneration of new cells. Used in the East to scent linen, and is believed to prevent the spread of diseas (prophylactic). In China, Japan and Malaysia it is used to treat colds, headaches, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting as well as snake and insect bites. Properties: Anti-fungal, antiseptic, stimulating, emotionally balancing. DILUTE TO 5% OR LESS IN A CARRIER OIL BEFORE SKIN APPLICATION. KEEP OUT OF EYES. DO NOT SWALLOW.

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