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Citrine is a master teacher - offering us the potential to prosper in all areas of our life. Whatever we need for the completion of our mission in life is potentially available to us, we just need to learn how to accept it and learn in what form it may come. Abundance is a state of being, a feeling and it is free to all. Citrine reminds us that the world is a generous, joyous and bountiful place and that we can participate in this abundance if we choose to. Our energy field oscillates at a frequency that reflects our beliefs. Citrine teaches us that what we believe will come into our reality.
To begin the meditation make sure you are comfortable and will not be disturbed. Hold your Citrine between your hands, close your eyes, breathe deeply and absorb its golden warming light. Place your attention on your stomach region - your solar plexus chakra. Imagine this space as a beautiful temple, a sanctuary of peace and contentment. In this sacred region you can imagine all that you need to make your life comfortable and prosperous. Try not to focus on how things need to be in order for this to happen - instead focus on what it feels like to have what you imagine. Let the good feelings support you throughout your experience. The universe is listening and responsive to your imaginings - and will act upon all that you believe is possible. The secret is to not focus on the hows or whys. Let your imagination be supported by the golden light of your Citrine and your attention within the inner temple that is your solar plexus.
When ready, open your eyes and take some time to let the experience and what you saw sink in. Breathe deeply and thank your crystal for its supportive energy. Each time you hold this crystal it will serve to remind you of your meditation along with the power you possess - to accept abundance in all its forms.
You can put your attention on this experience at any time - for re-assurance or remembering. 

Follow the link to view my Citrine collection https://aristia.co.uk/citrine/citrine-aaa-grade/

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