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Working with Aquatine Lemurian Calcite
Aquatine Lemurian Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a trigonal crystal system (3 on the hardness scale). It is a deep blue-green Calcite (that looks like Aquamarine) and comes from Argentina. I asked the Crystal Oversouls about this stone and here is their reply. “Beloved One. As you continue on your ever unfolding journey [...]
Working with Crystal skull consciousness
Crystal skulls come in all kinds of crystalline shapes and sizes. The important thing to think about when choosing yours is, does it resonate? Are you willing to take on a relationship with something that asks for protection and a willingness on your part to explore its higher realities?I asked the Crystal Oversouls about the [...]
Scheelite in Calcite consciousness
A recent find in Turkey, this gem is also known as Lapis Lace Onyx which seems silly to me as it contains neither Lapis Lazuli nor Onyx.Research has revealed that the white matrix is Calcite and the bright blue stripes are Scheelite. Scheelite is rarely found in this vivid blue colour. I asked the Scheelite [...]
Working with Elestial consciousness
the Elestial quartz Oversoul is a vast consciousness that rarely comes into our reality. It sits on an entirely different council than the other crystal Oversouls. Elestials sit on the Creator Council also known as the Creator Angels. This council Oversees the working of universal order on a scale difficult for us to imagine. The [...]
the Crystal Dragon Riders
the Crystal Dragon RidersWhen dragon energy makes itself known it arrives with enormous speed and clarity. We may experience the process as similar to being swept off our feet. Crystalline dragons make themselves known in crystal form. The physical crystal shape acts as a portal, the entrance into their world. These dragons often have a [...]
Crystal Co-creating
Crystal Co-creatingI would like to share with you a vision I had 30 years ago that has deciphered itself during the writing of my books. I feel that by telling this story it may go some way to explain the process and journey undertaken through my work. It is my understanding that many of us [...]
What is an Oversoul
To my understanding an Oversoul is the collective soul or master that all individual crystals in its field will identify and communicate with. When we work thus, for example with a Lemurian seed crystal, we can communicate with its essential soul, its blueprint that I call an Oversoul. One of the many questions I had while [...]
Immortal Cathedrals
These crystals are Cathedrals yet something new and important has made itself known through their manifestation. They call themselves ‘Immortal Cathedrals’ and this is what they have to say.“When you work with our consciousness you align yourself to engaging with the Immortals. You may wonder, why would you need to engage with them? We are [...]