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Working with Deva Temples
Deva temples belong to a rare group of clear quartz. Because of the great spectrum of clear quartz crystals they are difficult to identify. The way I distinguish is by a specific celestial other-worldly luminosity which manifests around their field and draws me into their presence. Their shine and glow is stronger and differs from [...]
Working with Sugilite
Sugilite is a fairly young stone in terms of geology, discovered in 1944 by Japanese Kenichi Sugi whose name was adopted. It is a powerful Third eye activator that works on the pineal gland, the top of the head, crown and heart chakra. Can be used when working with the Indigo Children, Star Children and [...]
Light Being Laser wands
In her seminal masterpiece ‘Crystal Healing’ Katrina Raphaell writes about these crystals “Laser wands were stored within the sacred chambers of underground temples and are now being relocated, mostly into mines on the South American continent. The beings of inner earth have kept these crystals safe and protected and have only recently released them onto [...]
Citrine crystal skulls
Crystal skulls come in all kinds of crystalline shapes and sizes. The important thing to think about when choosing yours is, does it resonate? Are you willing to take on a relationship with something that asks for protection and a willingness on your part to explore its higher realities?I asked the Crystal Oversouls about the [...]
Working with Scepter Quartz
Scepter quartz is recognized as a crystal which has formed over the top or around another crystal thereby forming what appears to be a rod. It is said to be the same shape as the one used by Priestesses and Priests in Atlantis and Lemuria in manifestation rituals. For those drawn, it can be that [...]
Lemurian Seed vogels
Lemurian Seed vogels have been carved from larger Lemurian seed crystals, imbibing them with all the characteristics one would expect from a seed crystal. Lemurian crystals are extremely important stones for this time, resurfacing now to assist humanity in its shift towards a new way of being, a new way of living and a new [...]
Golden Selenite
Golden Selenite crystals have great clarity and contain iron inclusions which create phantom like effects. They are naturally terminated and have appeared at the perfect time, to assist us as we navigate through difficult times. I feel that these special crystals have arrived during a phase of humanity’s transition which is proving to be challenging. [...]
Working with Amethyst phantoms
Amethyst phantoms are crystal planes and memories of previous crystalline growth within a quartz. Deep within the crystal itself you will see these solid phantoms like shadows and subtle outlines of crystal growth which have grown first and then stopped. The crystal has then resumed its crystallization process, enclosing the previous crystal growth as a [...]
the Dumortierite Oversoul
The Dumortierite Oversoul resides within the inner plane council that oversees communication in its many variations. The Dumortierite Oversoul has a sweet focused energy that supports those who seek to communicate their creative, healing or teaching work in the world. As a stone it is particularily powerful for those drawn to it. When we work [...]
Green Tara Quartz
Green Tara quartz is a name that arrived from seemingly nowhere. I woke up with the name on my mind and was urged to research and write about this crystal. Green Tara quartz contains Chlorite. The presence of Chlorite creates an impression of a phantom formation inside the crystal itself. Chlorite quartz often forms phantom [...]