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Tanzanite record keeper (118845)


Product Description

An extraordinary piece of Tanzanite with multiple points. Measures 4.5" x 1.5" with a clear record keeper triangle on the main tip.

Tanzanite is a valuable ally in metaphysics. It helps one utilise the often troublesome relationship between heart and mind as well as activating and stimulating the Third Eye. Tanzanite can help awaken ones inner vision and with this a deep rooted trust and faith in ones own intuition.

Here is what the Crystal Oversouls have to say about this stone: Tanzanite: Within the crown and eighth chakras above the head are seeds and codes that carry our original blueprint. These seeds and codes are often inactive and await a time when they are needed. When activated through meditation or healing with Tanzanite a profound awakening takes place. Intuition is heightened, as we perceive the past, moment and future simultaneously, it is like having a 360 degree vision above the head.
During Atlantis and Lemuria the crown and eighth chakras were more closely linked with the pineal gland playing a more active role. The ability to access infinite cosmic vibrations, inter-species communication, telepathy and the ability to direct energies are immeasurably enhanced.

Record keepers exhibit raised or indented triangles on the surface of quartz crystals. They can also appear on Ruby, Aquamarine and some other stones. They are  powerful co-creators containing much knowledge and wisdom from Atlantis and Lemuria.  
Atlantis and Lemuria were the early star seed civilizations where many us first began descending into matter, bringing with us our star culture and galactic heritage which began blending into our everyday Atlantean and Lemurian consciousness.
The star-seed cultures originated from multiple star cluster systems including Lyra, Arcturus, Andromeda, Sirius and the Pleiades.
Throughout numerous Atlantean and Lemurian life-times we experienced crystal consciousness in ways difficult to comprehend in our current time as science, the arts and healing were one and the same. Much of the focus around crystals took place in the crystal temples. These temples played a vital part of everyday life existing as they did on remote islands scattered around Atlantis and Lemuria. The temples were places of divine pilgrimage and worship with the crystal devas playing essential roles in the guardianship of these holy spaces. There was much in the way of dialogue between the devas and the visitors. There are still places on earth where the magical residue of the temples remain. Our ancestors have continued to revere such places by building holy buildings upon what remains, being drawn by some ancient long forgotten knowledge that hangs in the air. Some of these places remain in the natural landscape with people being drawn by some unseen force calling them to step out of ordinary consciousness into a higher state of being.
Atlantean and Lemurian consciousness was such that many of us knew that these immense cultures would at some point recede from the earth into the inner planes. When the time finally came many beings placed a wealth of Atlantean and Lemurian knowledge into the crystal kingdom to be retrieved at a later age. An age when that knowledge would be required. For many that age is now and those Atlantean and Lemurian beings are us.
Recorders bring to the surface what it is we need to know without us even knowing what it is we need to know. These special crystals teach us without appearing to do so. What needs to be retrieved will become, for some, visible by working closely with these crystals.

Product Videos

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