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Smokey Quartz (111685)


Product Description

Smokey Quartz has a very grounding supportive vibration.
Its energy encourages us to support ourself and feel supported by the universe. Therefore this type of quartz is a master healer for those exploring these issues.
It is said that this variety of quartz needs no cleansing as it self regulates its own energy.
Smokey quartz is a gift from the Earth supporting our human journey towards wholeness.
Here is what the Crystal Oversouls say regarding Smokey Quartz. "Smoky Quartz is a master crystal, helping us to ground inner experiences into a workable reality. It reminds us to make proper use of our foundation and personality. If we are out of sync with the requirements of the earth plane, then this is the stone to meditate with. Smoky quartz carries the warm browns and black tones of the Earth and we can be open to learn from this master.
If you desire to manifest a dream into reality and it is running against the flow of society or is ahead of its time, then Smoky quartz will be the perfect companion. Through the vibrational structure of Smoky quartz we can learn how the game of life works and understand how our dream will fit in" Text copyright "the Crystal Oversoul Attunements" published by Findhorn Press.

Measures 7.5" x 3"

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