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Moldavite & Moonstone set in silver (1113051)


Product Description

A beautiful silver pendant measuring 1.75” by 1” - a Moonstone from Madagascar sits beneath a polished Moldavite.

The two sacred stones combine their power to create beauty.

Moonstone is a variety of feldspar. It is recognized by the play of light or shimmer which always looks different upon moving the stone.
The shimmer of Moonstone is caused by refracted light rays in the stone.
Many cultures have attached myths and much spiritual importance to this stone.The underlying subject for Moonstone throughout history is its connection to the moon, fertility, femininity and the Goddess.
One of my favourite stories about this crystal is that the Romans thought that Moonstone was magically created out of the rays of moonlight.

Moldavite is a very powerful stone of transformation. There are hardly any deposits left of Moldavite as it was formed by intense meteorite showers that took place over 15 million years ago. As these incredible meteor showers hit the earth, they were blended and fused with the earths surface by the heat and pressure of the impact and catapulted back into the atmosphere which created that unique surface of Moldavite. It truly is a stone not of this world. The name Moldavite was adopted after the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic, where it was principally found. In the Middle Ages Moldavite was only owned by those considered to be of nobility or royalty. One of the oldest and most treasured minerals known, two pieces of it were found with the Venus of Wilendorf when she was excavated.
Here is what the Crystal Oversoul Attunement cards say about Moldavite. "There are times in most peoples’ lives where a leap of faith is called for. Moldavite is the perfect crystal companion during such times. Its energy encourages flexibility, spontaneity and dexterity. With this stone’s energy by our side we know we can achieve our goals. We take the necessary actions certain that the right set of opportunities are at hand. We are able to follow our inner guidance as we have cultivated the ability to listen to the signs from an intuitive level. We have examined our motives and desires and know that what we are creating is in our best interest, it will bring us pleasure.
There are endless possibilities with Moldavite as it encourages us to expand our horizons and open our mind to new experiences"
Text copyright "the Crystal Oversoul cards Attunements for Lightworkers" published by Inner Traditions.

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