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The name Kyanite comes from the Greek word kyanos meanig blue and it gives off a cooling, calming feeling. An excellent mineral to use when working with the subjects of the Throat Chakra or what is know as the Vishuddha...
There is some very inspirational writing on Labradorite in the Crystal Oversoul New Earth Attunements published by Findhorn Press “ the Labradorite Oversoul speaks: “Beloved one - I am the guardian of the...
There is some very inspirational writing on Labradorite in the Crystal Oversoul New Earth Attunements published by Findhorn Press “ the Labradorite Oversoul speaks: “Beloved one - I am the guardian of the veil...
Beautiful little hearts carved from Labradorite - each measures 1". Price is per heart.
This is the revered stone of the Egyptians and Babylonians. Lapis Lazuli is over seen by Nuit the Sky Goddess and enables us to expand our inner vision and see the cosmos as our body. Lapis opens the third eye and...
This is the revered stone of the Egyptians and Babylonians. Lapis Lazuli is over seen by Nuit the Sky Goddess and enables us to expand our inner vision and see the cosmos as our body. Lapis opens the third eye...
Kwan Yin is known as the Goddess of Mercy or the Goddess of Compassion. She is accepted as being an incarnation of the bodhissatva Avalokiteshvara and prior to the Song Dynasty she was depicted male. Later to this she began...
Lavender Jade is a rare and precious crystal that carries a soft nurturing vibration. Being on the violet ray this form of Jade can assist us in remaining true to our essential nature. A stone for unfettered spirits and free...
Lemurian Hematite seed crystals have an slightly orange red hue which reflects the natural iron oxide wash upon their surface. The name hematite comes from the greek word for blood. The reason for the origin of hematite's...
Beautiful Leopardskin Jasper tumblestones. Price is per piece each measures 1" approx...
A sublime combination of energies Lepidolite and Pink tourmaline. Measures 3.75" x 3.75" Lepidolite is a mica that contains lithium. It has a long tradition in healing circles as a stone of emotional balance,...
In her seminal masterpiece ‘Crystal Healing’ Katrina Raphaell writes about these crystals “Laser wands were stored within the sacred chambers of underground temples and are now being relocated, mostly into...
What a sweet elegant and radiant little Kwan Yin carving. Measures 4.5" by 1.75" wide. Lilac Jade is the rarest of all the Jades. This statue is a blend of soft green to lilac which indicates that is assits in a subtle flow...
Malachite has a strong affinity to Egypt and especially to the Goddess Hathor. It is a copper carbonate which was prized as the easiest copper mineral to reduce to copper metal in ancient Egypt. Malachite was largely...
Hearts are perfect gifts to those you care about. The heart itself is a symbol that transcends all language, spiritual and cultural traditions and never fails to give the message of happiness, joy and true...
An absolutely beautiful facted Moldavite with Kyanite. All set in silver - measures 1.25" x 0.75". Moldavite is a very powerful stone of transformation. There are hardly any deposits left of Moldavite as it was formed by...
Obsidian is usually a black colour although some brown and redness can occur if hematite is present. It is a volcanic glass which forms when molten lava cools quickly. Its name was given after its discoverer Obsius in...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 7.25" x...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 10.5" x...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 7.5" x...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 6.5"...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 6" x 1...
A rather handsome Ocean Jasper Dragon measuring 3" x 1.75" Dragons make frequent appearances in Zen literature. The dragon plays many roles - as a symbol of enlightenment and also as a symbol for ourselves. For...
Ocean Jasper is also known as the Atlantis Stone. This stone is appreciated by Archangels Haniel, Sandolphon and Metatron but especially by Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees water, nature and earth. Measures 2...