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Amethyst phantoms are crystal planes and memories of previous crystalline growth within a quartz. Deep within the crystal itself you will see these solid phantoms like shadows and subtle outlines of crystal growth which...
Amethyst is a deeply meditative stone that can transport you into the realms of higher awareness. It has a soft energy that extols strength and power, especially that, that comes from inward listening. It connects to the...
Amethyst is a deeply meditative stone that can transport you into the realms of higher awareness. It has a soft energy that extols strength and power, especially that, that comes from inward listening. It connects to...
Lovely soft violet Amethyst points. A variety of quartz. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Excellent for meditation. It is calming with strong protective qualities. Chakras~third eye, crown...
Just arrived from Uraguay is this divine AA grade Amethyst Geode. This piece has a richness and depth of colour that can instantly take you on a journey of peace and calm. It is extremely unusual as it has naturally grown...
These rare collectors pieces of Amethyst are double terminated with phantoms at either end. These crystals are only found in Morocco. Phantom crystals are crystal planes and memories of previous crystalline growth...
Lovely soft violet pieces of Amethyst. A variety of quartz. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Excellent for meditation. It is calming with strong protective qualities. Chakras~third eye, crown...
Crystal skulls come in all kinds of crystalline shapes and sizes. The important thing to think about when choosing yours is, does it resonate? Are you willing to take on a relationship with something that asks for...
Crystal skulls come in all kinds of crystalline shapes and sizes. The important thing to think about when choosing yours is, does it resonate? Are you willing to take on a relationship with something that asks for protection...
This Amethyst Crystal Skull has been superbly crafted to hold the crystal skull vibration. Crystal skulls come in all kinds of crystalline shapes and sizes. The important thing to think about when choosing yours is, does it...
Crystal skulls come in many materials. Choose one by focusing on the pictures and let yourself be guided to a new crystalline companion. There are said to be thirteen crystal skulls left by Atlanteans in safe keeping...
These crystals are a naturally occurring combination of Amethyst and Smokey quartz. Enables us to trust and strengthen our relationship with our inner knowing. Protects auric field during stages of intuitive development...
Amethyst Spheres are great aids to harmonise the energy in your environment. In feng shui, colour plays an important part in balancing energy as colour is just pure light. The shape is also important and each shape...