Crystals O-P-Q-R
- Obelisks
- Obsidian
- Ocean Jasper
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opal Owyee Blue
- Opalite
- Papagoite
- Peacock Ore
- Peridot
- Peruvian Blue Opal
- Peruvian Pink Opal
- Petalite
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood spheres and eggs
- Phenacite
- Phosphosiderite
- Pietersite
- Plancheite
- Prasiolite
- Prehnite
- Preseli Bluestone
- Purple Grape Chalcedony
- Pyramids
- Pyrite
- Quantum Quattro
- Que Sera
- Raven skull carvings
- Record Keeper crystals
- Red Coral
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Rose quartz
- Ruby and Ruby in Fuschite/Kyanite
- Rutilated quartz