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Citrine Sphere (8373)


Product Description

This lovely Citrine sphere measures 3"

Citrine Spheres are great aids to harmonise the energy in your environment. In feng shui, colour plays an important part in balancing energy as colour is just pure light. The shape is also important and each shape represents a different element. The sphere for instance represents the metal element which also affects your mental clarity, concentration and organisational skills.The colour of Citrine also relates to the feng shui fire element. The subject of the Fire element is about movement, joy and fulfillment, it can encourage greater self esteem and overall well being. Citrine spheres would be good for any room that lacks in light, drawing on the feng shui energy of fire. The fire element in feng shui also relates to the South, which is the area which governs your fame and reputation. So placing a citrine sphere in the South of your home will also influence this area of your life.

The Oversoul of Citrine restores the consciousness needed to manifest all we need to complete our missions. The mandala is an incredible, brilliant golden light that settles any nerves or anxieties we have. 12 beings reflect the unified awareness of this Oversoul. They wear golden light robes that swirl around them in an air of incredible power. We know that we are in the presence of great masters of manifestation and if we choose to we can learn from them. The beings beckon us to enter the heart of the mandala and they accompany us deep inside where an incredible scene unfolds. The atmosphere is highly charged with a beautiful golden aura. We see the temple - it is a sphere of golden light. The beings guide us to the sphere indicating that we can enter its centre. Inside the sphere they create a twelve-sided mandala start to make a series of intoxicating sounds that penetrate our auric field. Our entire anatomical structure, especially our nervous system is bathed in golden light. As we breathe and become this light, we set ourselves free. Any patterns that are inhibiting the full spectrum of our light being expressed in the world are released.
We become the visible light of joyous abundance. We now know that we have all to create what we need, we know how to create.

Text by Michael Eastwood taken from "Crystal Oversoul Cards Attunements for Lightworkers"

Product Videos

https://aristia.co.uk/citrine-sphere-8373/ 00:45


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