Light Being Laser wands
Posted by Michael Eastwood on 22nd Feb 2021
In her seminal masterpiece ‘Crystal Healing’ Katrina Raphaell writes
about these crystals “Laser wands were stored within the sacred chambers
of underground temples and are now being relocated, mostly into mines
on the South American continent. The beings of inner earth have kept
these crystals safe and protected and have only recently released them
onto the surface of the earth to be used once again in advanced healing
She further writes “ Laser wands often have etching or
markings on them unlike any on other types of crystals. The writing on
these crystals resembles hieroglyphics that entice one into deciphering
the symbols that are obviously presented. These crystals, that were once
used in the healing temples of Lemuria, recorded their own experiences
as they gathered knowledge on the human condition and how to heal it.
Therefore, the more healing that was done with these crystals, the more
powerful they became, the more knowledge they contain, and the more
markings can be noticed. Through personal meditation and attunement with
etched Laser wands one can virtually be educated in the advanced
healing arts that were practiced by the Lemurians”.
These Laser
wands have something different about them that caught my attention. I
spent a few days handling each crystal while pondering their unique
resonance. It was while handling them that it was impressed upon me
that these special crystals are called “Light Being Laser wands”.
have a shimmer across their crystalline surface, as well as in their
aura, that I have not previously witnessed, this led me to investigate
further. In meditation I asked the Oversoul and here is their reply.
“Beloved one. Light Being Laser wands have arrived to assist in your
mastery. They are here to help recall star heritage so that you may
fully anchor more of your vast galactic multi-dimensional selves, to
embody realms of lightness with a renewed sense of ease and grace that
have previously been unavailable to you. The glyphs that are etched
along each crystals surface can be accessed by being gently touched and
whilst doing so you will be able to access realms of gentle starlight.
This process invites a divine coalescence that, once begun, broadcasts
starlight into your dna, awakening long forgotten memories of Lemuria
along with it’s connection to your starry family. When working with
these crystals a divine marriage unfolds within your inner light field
that unifies your starry and Lemurian self. This process will be
ongoing, taking place on planes of your Being that were previously
inaccessible. The hieroglyphics in these crystals originate from your
starry self. They are not fixed to the surface, they will change and
adapt according to your growth”.
While processing these words the
Oversoul begun, a few days later, to impress further thoughts on these
powerful crystals “Beloved one. These crystals are alive with infinite
possibilities and consciousness in their own right. Treat them as gifts
from the Gods and Goddesses themselves, for they contain awakened
sparks, a direct link between beauty and remembrance.”
Words by Michael Eastwood and the quartz Oversoul.
Here is a link to my collection