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Working with Danburite

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Working with Danburite

We have been on an ancient journey that has brought us to this point in human spiritual evolution. We are asked by the cosmos to further allow our most sacred garments of light to unfold, to become visible in a way that has not been possible before. To be comfortable within this process we are asked to stand firm in our spiritual power. This connection comes from deep inside our own consciousness - our own sense of divinity. Our divinity speaks to us through a number of ways, from dreams to intuition along with our inner voice. Danburite supports this process by reminding the finest parts of our auric field to relax, to trust in our divine inner nature.
To begin this meditation make sure you are comfortable and will not be disturbed. Hold your Danburite between your hands, close your eyes, breathe deeply and absorb its white light. Take your awareness into the space just above your head - your crown chakra. Allow yourself to imagine a beautiful white silvery flame resting above your head. Spend some time feeling into this sacred flame. What does it mean to you, is it familiar, are there any resistances within you to this connection? When we put our attention at this point of our body, with the support of Danburite, we automatically align ourselves - moving from a place whereby others control our life force to a position of spiritual power. We begin to trust, relax and support our own sense of knowing.
Although this meditation is simple it is designed to remind us that we need to go through no other person, guru or dogma to touch upon our divine presence.
When ready open your eyes and take some time to let the experience and what you saw sink in. Breathe deeply and thank your Danburite for its supportive energy. Each time you hold this crystal it will serve to remind you of your meditation along with the power you possess - to commune with and listen to your divinity.
Michael Eastwood

Here is a link to my Danburite collection
