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Activate your cosmic DNA (119057)


Product Description

You carry within you the spiritual DNA of your cosmic family. Eons ago the Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded the Earth and their energy is still present. By recognizing your starseed lineage, you can activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the soul attributes that resonate with your star nation.

In this spiritual guide, Eva Marquez explains how to discover your starseed lineage and activate your cosmic DNA. She presents in—depth teachings and channeled wisdom from the six star nations: the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra. You will learn about your cosmic family’s lives in the stars, their home worlds, and who they are.

Pleiadians are soul healers with a frequency of unconditional love. Sirians are knowledge keepers. The Akashic Records and the Library of Light are kept on Sirius B. Andromedans are healers and scientists. They understand the physical matter of the body. Lyrans are the wise elders. They are the grandfathers of the science of DNA and the creators of hybrid star beings. Centaurians are optimistic young warriors who can fix any problem. And Epsilonians are master mediators who can easily function in the fifth dimension. They bring logic of the heart and, like Pleiadians, healing to the soul.

As you read about the star nations, you will automatically attune to their energies. When you connect with your ancestral star nation, you may experience the sudden awakening of ancient memories and your spiritual DNA will be activated. The author includes energy exercises and guided meditations specific to each star family to help activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the light codes embedded within you.

By activating your starseed ancestry and reconnecting to your soul family, you help transform the frequencies of fear into love and reignite the cosmic ascension process.

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