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Rose quartz clusters

Rose Quartz in cluster formations are extremely rare, they connect to tenderness, gentleness, fragility and the opening of the heart. The Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra which means the unstruck cord is associated with making decisions from the heart. When this energy vortex is functioning properly you are in the consciousness of love and able to manifest your hearts true desires. Rose Quartz clusters are a gem for igniting and harnessing the energy of Anahata.

Katrina Raphaell says of this stone “The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the heart chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart's ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. A deep sense of personal fulfillment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a personal reality”.