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Energizing and vitalizing, it enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage and has a strong grounding effect. Chakra ~ root. Price is per stone. Average size 1.5"
Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through any emotional barriers preventing you from speaking...
Hemimorphite measuring 3" x 2.5" Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through any...
Hemimorphite measuring 2" x 2.5" Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through any emotional...
Hemimorphite measuring 2" x 2.5" Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through any...
Hemimorphite measuring 1.75" x 2.75" Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through...
Hemimorphite takes you on a journey of peace and tranquility and gently encourages communication with your soul, to find your true voice. Excellent for breaking through any emotional barriers preventing you from...
Herkimer Diamonds are exquisite gems, they are naturally double terminated quartz crystals which have formed from dolomite. A process that took place around 5 million years ago when magnesium infused with limestone and...
Herkimer Diamonds are exquisite gems, they are naturally double terminated quartz crystals which have formed from dolomite. A process that took place around 5 million years ago when magnesium infused with limestone...