Working with Inner Source Lemurians
Posted by Michael Eastwood on 16th May 2019
Inner Source Lemurians are from a new and fascinating find. They were mined in Brazil underneath the bedrock where quartz known as Lemurian seed crystals were discovered. They do not have the striations that Lemurian seed crystals exhibit. They are here to do something very special.
They are poised to assist people who are drawn to working with the emerging planetary grid - the new ley line network that is laying the foundations for the New Earth.
These crystals will have a particular resonance for those aligned with Dragon energy. It seems that the Dragon kingdom and Inner Source Lemurians have a special relationship that requires aware human beings to act as the conduit for their combined forces. I see in my minds eye a picture of a person taking these crystals to sacred sites, under the guidance of Dragon consciousness, and using a combination of their intention and voice through the crystal to activate ancient light in the heart of the sacred site. Once the light has been re-activated Dragon consciousness will take over by spreading the light through the ley line network.
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