Crystal Co-creating
Posted by Michael Eastwood on 12th Mar 2018
Crystal Co-creating
I would like to share with you a vision I had 30 years ago that has deciphered itself during the writing of my books. I feel that by telling this story it may go some way to explain the process and journey undertaken through my work.
It is my understanding that many of us are ancient beings that are here at this turning in human evolution for a reason. We are here on purpose. Each of us carries a fragment of our ancient story; our work is to let this come forwards, to birth and shine our light in a different time.
Some 30 years ago, while in deep meditation, a profound vision unfolded within my awareness. What emerged was a story that would stay fresh in my mind for the rest of my life.
The story unfolded in one piece, like a film, without any direction on my part. It had a beginning and an end that when completed stopped as quickly as it started. I opened my eyes after the meditation and knew that I had remembered part of my Soul’s journey. It was while writing the Crystal Oversoul Attunements and subsequently my other books that this experience made sense. As I wrote my books I was aware that I was making the journeys and attunements that I was writing about. It was through this inner work that I was able to draw together as well as realize what I had seen and felt during the meditation.
Here is what I saw:
I was a tall luminous being wearing a cobalt blue cloak that was drawn up over my head. I was part of a procession of other similar beings making our way through a city. I was aware, in my consciousness, that we were walking through Lemuria. Somehow I knew that I was witnessing its withdrawal from the Earth plane.
All those involved were in a state of deep peace, unfazed by the unfolding drama taking place around us. Everywhere I looked were huge tidal waves rushing towards the city and surrounding environment. Parts of the city were collapsing and falling in the rising seas that seemed to be swallowing all in its path.
We seemed to know exactly where we were heading, towards an entrance in the side of a mountain. There was an over-riding sense of rightness to our journey; as through we knew this was going to happen.
As we entered, we found ourselves in a large the cave, which seemed familiar to us; there was a sense that all had been prepared for our descent. The cave led at the very far back into a tunnel that was taking us deeper and deeper into the Earth. Although I could not see the shape of the tunnel I knew that it was a spiral facing heading downwards.
The tunnel became darker and deeper the further we descended. Our passage ahead was illuminated by our presence as a group. Our auras were emanating a vast light that illuminated all before us. I was conscious of the sound of giant waves above the tunnel that I knew must be destroying everything in their path. Onwards we travelled deeper into the spiral caves. We walked in a deep meditational state of awareness - fully conscious of what was occurring above us while remaining peaceful.
Eventually we came to the end of the tunnel. There before us opened up a giant circular room with indentations within the walls. The indentations were carved in the shape of each of us. I knew from within that one of these spaces was meant for me. As I made my way towards it I could hear the waves above become louder, I knew that the waves had entered the caves above and were making their way down the tunnels.
Each of took our places within the indentation with our backs pressed into the walls. Out of each of us arose sounds of the most exquisite harmonies, each of us adding to a symphony that like I have never heard.
At this moment I felt myself dissolve into the walls just as the water rushed into the cave. I knew in that moment that I had been carrying information within my presence that I had just pressed into the walls, each of those present had been carrying fragments of the story of Lemuria: to be retrieved in a later age.
Over the past 30 years I can see that I have in my own way been processing this experience and during the writing of my books another aspect of this story unfolded. It was and is time to tell these stories - to make them alive and share who we are, why we are here and why we needed to store them for so long. And that is why so many of us collect, heal, teach and journey with crystals. It is through the mineral kingdom that many of us tell our stories and thus share our particular light with the world. We are the crystal co-creators.
To view my written and visual work follow link